Jessica Harper Uncanceled

A conservative take on news, culture and life. 1984 was a warning, not a playbook.

Jessica Harper book 2: Jessica Harper and the Culture War Murders

Jessica Harper and the Culture War Murders

The Culture Wars used to just be stressful and exhausting… but now they could cost Jess her life…

After the events of Jessica Harper Is Not Woke, Jess was hoping for a quiet life but a mysterious antagonist is scaring the life out of her and the useless cops won’t help. Now she and the old gang – hubbie Brandon, son Jackson, best pal April and eccentric mentor Porter Montrose – are going to catch the perp themselves.

Well, that’s the plan anyway.

At least they’re not short of suspects. Is it someone from the open mic comedy scene: charming Miles Overstreet, angry Jonathan Griffin, sassy Lavette Walters or the overly hands-on MC, Max Becker?

Or is it someone from work: social justice warrior Stephanie Briggs, angry old white guy Kemper Curtis or perhaps one of Jess’s bosses, “Bloody” Mary West or sinister head of security Tom Christie?

Everyone’s a suspect… until they’re dead.

Expect head injuries (three of them, all Jess’s), alcohol abuse (also Jess), illegal poker games, family conflicts, home invasions, incompetent detectives, red herrings, bad stand-up, meth cocktails, a bunch of dead bodies and a nailbiting finale at Truvy City’s Fourth of July celebrations. Oh, and a scarf that everyone hates (also Jess’s).

Out now in paperback and on Kindle.

Review copies available in paperback or electronic format. Just ask yours truly in the comments below.

J x

Read the first book in the series: Jessica Harper Is Not Woke

You can buy Jessica Harper Is Not Woke on Amazon here, in paperback and Kindle formats. Whichever you choose, I hope you enjoy it!

JHINW tells the story of what happens when I am fired from my job in health comms (it was all because of a disastrous training session on “inclusivity” in which I failed to bite my tongue). Oh, and then there’s my horrific appearance on a shock jock’s radio show, but that’s another matter entirely.

I am thankfully taken under the wing of roguish patriarch Porter Montrose, a semi-legendary journalist, who wants to starts a new magazine and sees me as the unlikely editor. Unfortunately for both of us, the board of his corporation are dead against any new ventures by Porter and in fact want to expunge the Montrose name altogether, given its distant connection with slavery.

Whether the first issue of the magazine makes it to the newstands will depend on whether we can face down opponents including militantly woke mums, weak high school teachers, dangerous hillbillies, social media trolls and an alligator called Colin Hanks.

I hope you’ll give it a try. But hey, try before you buy: the opening chapter is below.

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